Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm Going Crazy

Ok, the blog is making me insane because it's only accepting certain pictures and kicking out the rest. I will try this one more time. I am attaching 2 pictures of Lord Granville-Leveson Gower. The first picture is a full shot of "Adonis". With the second shot, I tried to focus in on the eyes so you could see if they follow you.


Ron L. said...

Great shot, it does appear that "Adonis" is following your every move with his eyes.

Jinnie said...

These pictures are not too bad. I agree with Ron, kind of spooky with Adonis eyes, chasing your move. I'll be back to see you're other picture posts. Great Job!

Jerry said...

how are you editing your pictures? Do you have Photoshop? program is called PICASA which is free from Google. one of the reasons why you may have trouble uploading your pictures is if they are too large the server has trouble were sometimes you might time out before the entire picture is uploaded and that will cause trouble... you can deal with that by either setting your camera to a smaller picture size or by downsampling them in a program like Photoshop or Picasa.